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In search of transformers models format a founders journey

Hello everyone! This is a recap of our podcast from October 3rd on transformers models format:

should There Be One Model Format for the Entire AI Industry?

Let’s be real—standardization is comforting, right? One model format to rule them all would certainly make things easier, but let’s break this down in a more *fun* way.

1.“Why Not Just Pickle Everything?”

Pickle, the universal backup plan that nobody asked for. It’s like using duct tape to fix everything from your car to your dinner plans—it works, but *should it*? For a while, we all “pickled” AI models, because hey, it was easy. But just like pickling food doesn’t turn everything into gourmet, it turns out pickling models isn’t the ultimate solution either. Whoops.

2. “Format Before Code?!”
One brave soul in the chat suggested that formats shape how we think about the problem—so maybe format comes first, before code? Whoa. That's like saying the blueprint is more important than the building. Deep stuff, right? But here’s the kicker: how you structure your models influences everything else—so yes, format does matter, unless you like living in the AI wild west with rogue formats.

3. The “Docker of AI Models” Dream
Imagine a format that’s so good, so universal, it’s like Docker for AI models. Something that everyone can use, iterate on, and collaborate with. If Docker managed to revolutionize cloud-native apps by figuring out layers (thanks Shrek), why not AI? Because, let’s face it, AI models are like onions too—full of layers.

 4. Collaboration: The Real MVP
Developers want to play with models the same way they play with their apps. But we’re missing the tools for that. How do you hand over your half-baked AI model to a teammate without it breaking everything? Sharing models today is like passing someone a note in class, except the note self-destructs after they read it. We need a format that supports this kind of collaboration. 

5. Hardware Has to Get Involved
Ah yes, the eternal question—“but can the hardware handle it?” This isn’t a hardware problem; it’s a mindset problem. If we can dream up insane AI models, we can dream up the hardware to support them. Just because today’s GPUs can’t juggle your AI masterpiece doesn’t mean tomorrow’s won’t.

6. Do We Even Need One Format?
Now, here’s where it gets spicy. Should we have just one format to rule them all? Not necessarily. AI is growing fast, and one size doesn’t fit all. We need flexibility, sure, but we also need to stop supporting ancient tech just because we’re sentimental. Let’s prioritize innovation over nostalgia—transformers aren’t here to play nice with every legacy system.

Conclusion: The Verdict?
One format for the whole AI industry? Meh, maybe not. But a rough consensus, a common direction, and some kick-ass tools to go with it? Definitely. After all, we’re not looking for AI to fit into a single box. We’re looking for a system where everyone can contribute, iterate, and innovate—without losing their minds in the process. 

So yeah, keep the formats flexible but standardized enough to push the boundaries. And as always, keep tinkering, keep dreaming, and keep laughing at the chaos that is AI development.


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