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BLOG Community Blog

How Quantization Improves Efficiency of Large Neural Networks & LLMs

August 19, 2024
In this episode, Jan Akhremchik, an AI Researcher with AIFoundry, talks with me about different ways to improve the...

Are LLMs Liars, Hallucinators, or Just Bullshitters?

August 13, 2024
Harry Frankfurt’s 2005 book, On Bullshit, defines speech that is intended to persuade without consideration of the...

Are Transformers All That We Needed to Unlock AI Innovation?

August 8, 2024
This podcast reviews Google's 2017 seminal research paper, “Attention Is All You Need,” which we see as the seed of the...

Sizing Up Components of an AI Model & Prompt Testing System

July 17, 2024
On Saturday, July 13, the community met for its first virtual AI Hack Lab. Our theme was building an...

What Extreme Programmers Think About Developing AI Applications

June 24, 2024
Earlier this month, the team at, brought together some friends and colleagues for a unique event, our first AI...

Reviewing OLMo: Accelerating the Science of Language Models

June 18, 2024
In our inaugural AIFoundry Podcast, we examine OLMo, the Open Language Model, a groundbreaking release from the Allen...