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What If? Shifting Mindsets from Invention to Innovation

From Invention to Innovation

We are living in times when invention in AI already happened and innovations - has not arrived yet. Our bet is that to start building innovation we need different people's mindsets.


What if we stopped building products and started building mindsets? What if the focus wasn’t on pushing a product to market, but on shaping a new system, new way of thinking and doing things? A place where “what if”, it’s a default question. That’s the vision we’re playing with in the open-source AI space right now.

The Birth of a Collaborative Ecosystem

Imagine a world where the driving force of innovation isn’t tied to a singular product launch or corporate roadmap. Instead, it’s powered by a community—an ecosystem of minds working together to explore what AI can become. We’ve entered a stage where products are no longer the end goal. The “forget about products” mantra isn’t a slogan, it’s a mindset shift. This isn’t about selling something tangible, it’s about creating something dynamic—an evolving system that can adapt, grow, and shape the future in ways no single product could ever dream of.


We’ve all seen the rise and fall of individual AI products. Some make a splash, but most struggle to maintain relevance in a landscape that’s changing faster than ever. That’s why the future of AI isn’t about locking in a single solution—it’s about building something open, scalable, and adaptable. 


When we say “forget about products,” we’re talking about embracing a fluidity that traditional product-focused companies can’t match. We’re focusing on creating a network of knowledge, of capabilities, of minds working together to advance the field in meaningful ways., for example, is less about being a polished entity and more about becoming a collaborative force, where innovation is co-developed and is not limited to a singular goal.


In an era where *everything* is interconnected, we’re evolving beyond siloed products. We’re looking at creating modular, open systems where the boundaries between “tools” and “minds” blur. It’s about building blocks, composable systems that can be reshaped by anyone, for any purpose.


Building New Mindsets

This isn’t just a new way to develop AI. It’s a new way to think about technology, new architecture, large models life cycle, different hardware infrastructure and processing - about how an average workday of a person dealing with AI looks like. So the key bet is that people will move from one method of thinking to another.


This new mindset acknowledges that AI isn’t a thing you own, it’s a process you engage with. It’s a living, breathing ecosystem, constantly evolving based on the needs and contributions of its community. And that’s the core idea behind the AI Foundry—creating a living system, not a static product. It’s about collaboration at scale, about breaking down barriers between disciplines, between people, and between ideas.


When you stop thinking in terms of products, a whole new world opens up. You start asking bigger questions: Which kinds of people do we need? Which profiles should they be in terms of responsibilities scope? How do we scale their collaboration? How do we create a network of minds that push AI forward, not because they’re getting paid to, but because they want to see what’s possible? 

…So, what if you joined us? What if you stopped waiting for the next big product and started contributing to the next big idea? This is about more than AI—it’s about building a whole new world, one where the boundaries between innovation and community blur into something truly transformative.


Let’s build our new mindsets and our new world. Together.


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— Team